
The National Independent Visitor Development Project has been working with IV services all over England and Wales to create the National IV Standards, which are recognised by all leading providers. Together our aspiration is that all looked-after children will know what an Independent Visitor is, have access to a high-quality Independent Visitor service and be able to influence the direction of that service.

In January 2016 we published research following a Freedom of Information survey of all local authorities in England. Our report found that only 3.2 per cent of looked-after children have an Independent Visitor.

There are plenty of ways to raise healthy, resilient children but there are no short-cuts. Independent Visitors provide care and consistency to looked after children who would benefit from extra support in a safe and successful way that is centered around the child. We should be reaching many more children – and with raised awareness and increased local authority resourcing, we could be.

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NIVN 2025 Plans

NIVN launched in 2014 to address low levels of access to IVs and inconsistent quality of IV provision. Through influencing and good practice development work,

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Foster carers are Independent Visitor Champions

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