
What is the Experts by Experience Advisory Group?

The Experts by Experience Advisory Group is open to young people and volunteers with experience of the Independent Visitor relationship.

The group will will share its insight and experience with the National IV Network team to help guide our work. This could be in the area of influencing the government to make IV better recognised or by working on exciting social media campaigns to promote volunteering.

Stay tuned for more information about some of our Advisory Group members and what they’re passionate about!

Your Involvement:

The Experts by Experience Group meets virtually on Microsoft Teams once a month on weekday evenings.

Our offer to you!

  • As a member of the group, you will build new knowledge and skills that will be useful for CV building.
  • The members of the NIVN Project Team can provide references for job and study opportunities. We can signpost you to professional development training.
  • You will have the chance to connect with people who have a shared passion for befriending and volunteering (IVs).
  • We will support you to develop as representatives who can speak on behalf of other care experienced children and young people and volunteers.
  • A £20 voucher will be given to young people who attend each meeting.

More news

Foster carers are Independent Visitor Champions

“My young person has built a lovely, friendly relationship with her IV and always looks forward to meeting up with her every month. I think

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What do children need and want from IV befriending relationships?

As a movement of Independent Visitor (IV) professionals, volunteer befrienders and care-experienced young people, NIVN’s goal is increase the number of high-quality IV friendships for

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